a few words regarding materials
materials sciense
Materials Science deals with the relationship between structure (in atomic or micro scale) and the properties of metals/alloys/materials (in meso and macro scale). This knowledge makes the prediction of material properties possible linking Materials Science with Materials Mechanics. The aim is to design materials in a proper way, so that they match the requirements in service taking also into consideration the overall cost (raw materials, process, production cost). Todays products are therefore fit-for-purpose. Being able to desing materials and processes through an absolute control of manufacturing, treating and forming processes transfers us from Materials Science to Materials Science & Technology and Materials Technology & Engineering. For reasons of simplicity these terms are included in the well known term Materials Science & Technology.
Materials Science & Technology and Materials Technology & Engineering deals with the structure, processing, properties and performance of materials and includes the functional systems, their material components and aims in their design optimization. This brings benefits to society and industry. The development and progress of technology is performed according to the future challenges of society and the demands for prosperity and safety.
Bridging theoretical knowledge (θεωρητική γνώση) to application (εφαρμογή), service (λειτουργία) and technology (τεχνολογία)
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