Welcome to Synergeies.com, the personal website and knowledge diffusion platform of Dr.-Ing. Spyros Papaefthymiou.
Professor Dr.-Ing. Spyros Papaefthymiou is dedicated to closing the gap between academic knowledge and practical application. Their focus is on preparing students to be well-rounded engineers, scientists, and responsible citizens.
Through mentorship, critical thinking, and a commitment to social responsibility, emphasis is given in skills like leadership, teamwork, and effective communication. This holistic approach includes adapting to multidisciplinary challenges and leveraging modern tools and industry partnerships for success guided by the unwavering principles of excellence in education, research, and teaching.
Explore this website for insightful interviews, publications, and presentations, along with valuable academic material. Additionally, discover statistics showcasing the professional journeys of Professor Dr.-Ing. Spyros Papaefthymiou students.
Synergies | Spyros Papaefthymiou
Progress culture & attitude. Emphasis on education for social & economic welfare with moral aspects.
Dr.-Ing. Spyros PAPAEFTHYMIOU is a Mining & Metallurgical Engineer. Since March 2020 he is appointed Associate Professor at the School of Mining & Metallurgical Eng. of the NTUA.
He works in the field of Physical Metallurgy & alloy design and more specifically he is specialized in the microstructure-properties-fracture relationships, in the forming of metals and alloys, in welding and joining and heat treatments, in mechanical properties of materials and in the modelling and simulation of microstructures and materials processing.
He is reviewer in 12 international journals, member of the Technical Camber Greece, member of the permanent committee of Materials of the Technical Chamber Greece (2006-2009), selected member of the “Verein zur Förderung der Aachener Eisenhüttenkunde e.V. – VAEh (Germany)”, he has been treasurer of the Hellenic Metallurgical Society (2012-2016) and he contributed to the organization of the international conference EUROMAT 2017
Educational material
The "synergeies.com" platform is a communication sponsor of the "Job Fair Athens" action, an initiative of young people, volunteers, students and graduates, which annually organizes a two-day career fair with the aim of bridging the gap between the University and the labor market. Read more
"SYNERGIES" actively supports the effort of the student group "RadiNOx" for its participation in the competition "CanSat in Greece", which is organized by "Spin" and supported by the "European Space Agency". Read more
As part of the RadiNOx team's participation in the CanSat competition, a study of the satellite's endurance was carried out during the opening of the parachute at a height of 1000 m, but also during its landing and impact with the ground. Read more